Emma Bourges
PhD candidate
Emma Bourges is a PhD candidate in anthropology at the Université de Bretagne Occidentale in Brest, Brittany. Her research aims to develop multi sensory experiences in French and European museums to increase the aesthetic inclusivity of visually impaired and blind audiences.
Her academic work focuses mostly on disability, including “Et on tuera tous les affreux : étude de la médicalisation du handicap physique sous le prisme douglasien du concept de saleté”, a dissertation in contemporary philosophy which Emma defended at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in 2021. Her article “Vous verrez par vos oreilles : l’audiodescription proposée aux personnes malvoyantes et non-voyantes dans les musées de France n’est-elle qu’une pollution sonore ?” was recently submitted to the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. Emma has also co-edited an anthology of philosophical texts on disability with Marion Chottin and Gaspard Brun, soon to be published by the Éditions Classiques Garnier.